Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Public Meeting for St. Elizabeths East Campus Master Land Use and Transportation Plan

The final public scoping meeting displaying the revised alternatives on the preferred plan for the St. Elizabeths East Campus master land use and transportation plan will be held Thursday, October 27 from 7p to 9p at the Malcolm X Elementary School, 1351 Alabama Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032. 

Hosted by the District Office of Planning and the Department of Transportation (DDOT), the meeting will specify how development will occur on the east side of the campus, which will include what will be built on the site and what transportation options the site will have, specifically, the site should maintain a focus on bicycle access.  

The DCBAC hopes that you will submit your comments about potential bicycle improvements not only on the site but the improvement of access to the area from other parts of the region. Comments directed to the project manager can be sent to If you prefer, you can post your comments using the comment field below.  

According to DDOT, the master plan will undergo a 30-day written comment period through Sunday, November 27, 2011. Those wishing to make comments at the hearing must notify the agencies by 5 pm on October 26, 2011. A final hearing on the Transportation Environmental Assessment will take place later this fall.

Information about the the St. Elizabeths master plan can be found on the project's website and in the DDOT meeting announcement regarding this topic.